MED Remote Medicine specializes in teaching high end, low ratio wilderness medicine courses. Whether it’s an online “learn at your own pace” class like our BACKPACKER Magazine Wilderness First Aid Basics course, an eight day intensive Wilderness First Responder course, or something in between, we strive to provide courses designed to suite a wide variety of needs.
An online review of wilderness medicine essentials
If you're eager to jumpstart your wilderness medicine education and interested in an online classroom format, the WFA-B course is a great place to start. MED Remote Medicine offers this interactive, video-based course in partnership with BACKPACKER magazine.
The first step to wilderness medicine expertise
Wilderness First Aid is a two day course designed to provide weekend explorers and adventurers with all the tools to treat simple injuries and illnesses when a doctor or hospital may be far away.
A comprehensive first aid program
If you're ready to take your training to the next level, a Wilderness Advanced First Aid will give you all the tools to treat more complex illness and injuries, over the course of a 4 to 5 day program.
The gold standard in wilderness medicine
This course is the international gold standard for wilderness medicine, and the perfect program for anyone who spends significant time in remote, low resource, or backcountry environments.
Maintain your credentials
MED Remote Medicine is proud to offer full reciprocity with all reputable wilderness medicine providers-- so even if you certified with someone else, you can re-certify with MED.
Upgrade your Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) license
This course parallels any of our Wilderness First Responder (WFR) courses and is specifically meant for currently licensed Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs).